Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Pain Free!

Woke up- no pain, even at the far left incision on my abdomen!  Got the morning Boost down, and will see if I can get a second whole one down tonight.  had a can of tomato soup last night instead of the Boost- tasted much better

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Monday, March 28, 2011

Week One

Had a very rough weekend, with the bloating.  Started to second guess the surgery because of it.  Had not been able to drink Boost at all- the smell of it made me nauseous.  This morning, had my 8 oz botle with no problems, and an hour later had my vitamin and my Nexxium with unsweetened applesauce.  Now getting ready for the 4 oz of Boost and the first of three Calcium tablets in applesuace.  Definitely going to switch to children's Flintstones chewables- loathe the Centrum chewables and the liquid is even worse (had the liquid in the hospital)

Tried on my new Laura Geller makeup kit from QVC- love it!  Had a shopping binge on QVC- bought three coffee makers from Keurig- one for us, and the other two for MOther's Day giofts.  Then Lock n Lock and a couple of gadgets- a garlic press and another can opener!

Walked the block with Geoff last night- our first time alone since last week.  NICE

Am dying to start the smoothies next week, and two weeks later, the soft foods- looking forward to the powder mashed potatoes, which I love anyway!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Two Days home

LOTS of gas today!  Geoff had to go get me Gas-X (the WalMart brand) just to alleviate it  Starting to wrok after a couple of hours. 

My babies were and are happy to see me- none of them let me out of their sight at all!  Thai fussed so much the first night that I could not sleep.  Ginger and Chip are attached to me by dachshund velcro

Have been able to feed them- I can just bend enough to place their bowls on the floor.  Walkies yesterday were tough on my back- my arthritis is flaring up!

Last night was able to sleep on my side, with the assistance of a body pillow! 

Follow up is on 13 April 2011.  Wish that were here-  Am looking forward to the end of the first two weeks, so I can start drinking smoothies!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

I'm Home!

Yes, I am home!  Surgery went well, and I had the BEST care.  My nurses and nurses aids were simply exemplary, and the doctors indescribable.  Yes, I am on pain meds, but WOW!  Now the fun begins.  More tomorrow

Monday, March 21, 2011

The Day Before

The Day Before

Today is the last day of my life in which I am surgically unaltered.  That doesn't scare me , but it did a couple of weeks ago.  I started to really doubt my decision, and watched the stress under which Geoff has been operating grow by leaps and bounds.  He has to take care of our three dachsies, and they are a handful when we are stressed.  Ginger, Chip and Thai have been God sends, and have filled  lots of holes in life that we did not know were present, and did not know how large.  Now, they have to take care of Geoff!

My greatest concern tomorrow is not the bypass itself, but of Geoff sitting in the waiting area, completely alone.  We have no family in Ohio, and are just starting to make friends at our parish and I have the ladies of Division 1, Medina County, Irish Missionaries of the Ladies Ancient Order of Hibernians.  Geoff gets to sit and wait, with no one to keep him company.  (For some reason, my dachsies are NOT allowed in the hospital!)

AT least having Father Lorkowski anoint me prior to surgery calmed all my nerves and left me feeling carefree and relaxed for the past weekend- we shopped for the dachsies, and attended the st Patrick's Day dance at St Francis Xavier.  Geoff had a ball- he looked so relaxed (I think that had a lot to do with my stealing his cell phone and hiding it in my decolletage! He had no idea where the phone was and it rang only once, and that was just after we arrived)  I wore my spanking new LAOH sash- blue for the Irish Missionaries and with our LAOH patch- I was there to celebrate my Irish ancestry and hoepfully generate some interest in our Divsion- my new friend from Pre Cana, Germaine, expressed interest!  She is the best- loud and happy, and wanting everyone around her to be the same.  I am similar in temperament, loud definitely!  At Mass on Sunday we ran into lots of couples from the Pre Cana team- it seemed that between the dance and Mass, we saw everyone from the team!  Geoff lit up when he met Trish's little ones- he went on a BAB "bear hunt" for them (we have almost 100 Build A Bears between us!)  Joining this parish has simply been a lifesaver.

Geoff is at work today and I will be at the parish stuffing envelopes.  We packed everything in Lock N Lock for the hospital and Geoff will load the  car when he gets home- he refuses to let me do it.  We leave at 6:30 in the morning- I have to be at admitting at 8, and my bypass is at 10. 

The Day Before

Today is the last day of my life in which I am surgically unaltered.  That doesn't scare me , but it did a couple of weeks ago.  I started to really doubt my decision, and watched the stress under which Geoff has been operating grow by leaps and bounds.  He has to take care of our three dachsies, and they are a handful when we are stressed.  Ginger, Chip and Thai have been God sends, and have filled  lots of holes in life that we did not know were present, and did not know how large.  Now, they have to take care of Geoff! 

My greatest concern tomorrow is not the bypass itself, but of Geoff sitting in the waiting area, completely alone.  We have no family in Ohio, and are just starting to make friends at our parish and I have the ladies of Division 1, Medina County, Irish Missionaries of the Ladies Ancient Order of Hibernians.  Geoff gets to sit and wait, with no one to keep him company.  (For some reason, my dachsies are NOT allowed in the hospital!)

AT least having Father Lorkowski anoint me prior to surgery calmed all my nerves and left me feeling carefree and relaxed for the past weekend- we shopped for the dachsies, and attended the st Patrick's Day dance at St Francis Xavier.  Geoff had a ball- he looked so relaxed (I think that had a lot to do with my stealing his cell phone and hiding it in my decolletage! He had no idea where the phone was and it rang only once, and that was just after we arrived)  I wore my spanking new LAOH sash- blue for the Irish Missionaries and with our LAOH patch- I was there to celebrate my Irish ancestry and hoepfully generate some interest in our Divsion- my new friend from Pre Cana, Germaine, expressed interest!  She is the best- loud and happy, and wanting everyone around her to be the same.  I am similar in temperament, loud definitely!  At Mass on Sunday we ran into lots of couples from the Pre Cana team- it seemed that between the dance and Mass, we saw everyone from the team!  Geoff lit up when he met Trish's little ones- he went on a BAB "bear hunt" for them (we have almost 100 Build A Bears between us!)  Joining this parish has simply been a lifesaver. 

Geoff is at work today and I will be at the parish stuffing envelopes.  We packed everything in Lock N Lock for the hospital and Geoff will load the  car when he gets home- he refuses to let me do it.  We leave at 6:30 in the morning- I have to be at admitting at 8, and my bypass is at 10. 

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Getting REady

Went to WalMart to get the magnesium citrate for tomorrow!  Picked up socks and underwear too- Don't want to be seen in my ratty everyday stuff :)

Everything is packed. Will load the car tomorrow with Geoff.  Had a quiet day with him and the Dachsies With Moxie. made the bed now getting ready to do laundry.  Geoff had a meeting concerning his upcoming exemplification to the 4th Degree in the KNights of Columbus.  We purchased his tux, but get to buy the hat, cape and sword afterwards.  Wonder how much THAT will cost.  I have to find a dressy outfit, tea length or longer,for the banquet- THAT doesn't add any preessure now does it?  :)

Thursday, March 17, 2011

New weight!

With less than a week to go until surgery, I now weigh 325 lbs!  That is a loss of three pounds since MONDAY!!!!

Went to swi practice tongiht and was only able to walk- did 21 laps at 50 meters a lap- my back has been so painful since my workout Monday that I haven't been back in the water and Monday my swim suit from Junonia fell apart in the shower!  Had to wear my Woman within two piece and it was so huge that the pants kept slipping off. Walking was the only way to keep control of the situation!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Pre Op diet

Well, have been doing the preop diet since last Wednesday now.  Drinking only three Boost Glucose Free protein drinks left me a stark raving maniac, starving until dinner time.  I took it upon myself to up it to four drinks and today I am drinking five (Three down two to go- one before swimming and two after, with a banana)  Three drinks left me susceptible to temtation and I don;t need that either.  Foru did help, but with the swimming again, five works best.  STill trying to figure out which protein powder to buy.

Weight- 328 lbs according to the scale at the rec center, before I swam!

Food shopping yesterday- bought Cream of Wheat, Cream of Rice, Carnation Breakfast powder, sugar free applesause, sugar free jello and pudding.Ordered extra measuring cups and spposn, blender cups and a new blender at QVC today.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

10 March 2011

Yesterday, I had to undergo some pre admission testing- an EGD, a walk through the surgical recovery are in the Lerner Tower, a final appointment with Dr. Khaitan, and the pre admission testing and chest x ray.  Dr. K did the EGD which was incredibly uncomfortable, but I have a small hiatal hernia which will clear up after the bypass!  I weighed 332.4 at 12:30 when I saaw Dr. Khaitan for the final time and the decision was made to have the bypass rather than the sleeve, and at the Pre Admission Testing, at 5:30, I weighed 332.2 lbs (and that was after lunch, which consisted of a tuna fish sandwich on whole wheat and a bottle of water) 

We received the call for these appointments the night before and Geoff had to scurry in order to take the day off- I would be unable to drive after the EGD.  We arrived around 8 and did not leave UH until after 6 PM.  Due to the short notice, our three intrepid dachsies, who blog at, Ginger, Chip and Thai, went with us- Geoff would work in the car during my procedures and then meet up with me afterwards and we would adjourn to the car for some loving from my ababies. 

Also, yesterday was my first day on the pre op diet- three Boosts and one high protein meal.  Well, the sandwich I hope covered the meal, and I had the Boosts after we got home- all three in a two hour period!  I definitley was full- had two chocolate and one vanilla.  Love the chocolate, but eh vanilla tastes too medicinely for me.  Went to bed early with the babies, while Geoff worked on his Navy correspondence courses in between calls from work>

Monday, March 7, 2011

Cardiac Clearance

Just back from UH Case WEstern Reserve Medical Center.  Saw the cardiogist, Dr. Green- I have a cardaic clearance for the surgery, scheduled for two weeks from tomorrow!!!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Weight Loss to date, on this journey

10 November 2010- 347.6 lbs
18 November 2010 (group session)- 349.3 lbs - almost gave up right then.  Had been following Heather's diet to the letter and I gained wieght?  Flashbacks to Weight Watchers- Must be only woman who always puts on weight while doing Weight Watchers!

30 December 2010- second appointment with Heather the Great- 338.3 lbs 11 lbs lost since 18 November 2010

3 January 2011- rec center scale- 336 lbs 

5 January 2011- Dr K appointment- 336.9 lbs 

27 January 2011- third appointment with Heather the Great- 336.9 lbs

7 February 2011- rec center scale- 334 lbs

16 February 2011- final official one and one with Heather the Great- 334.2 lbs

1 March 2011- rec center scale- 332 lbs

Wednesday, 10 November 2010- three medical appointments

Yes, this is the day which actually got the ball rolling, so to speak.  After multiple cancellations and delays due to work related issues for Geoff, I FINALLY was able to not only make but KEEP these appointments.

First up- Dietician in the morning- I met Heather for the first time.  She gave me a diet booklet designed for patients who will be undergoing either the sleeve or the bypass procedures.  She explained everything in detail, and started me on my way- the early pre op diet seemd to be a cinch, but NOOOOO.  Giving up soda and NOT DRINKING with my meals has been and continues to be my greatest obstacle.  WEIGHT- 347.6 pounds  Scheduled my next appointment and my group session that day also

Second- Dr Khaitan, the surgeon.  Due to an unforeseen circumstnace (as in no one called me) Dr. K was in surgery and my appointment should have been rescheduled.  I was not happy about that, as it was difficult enough for Geoff to make these appointments.  Saw Susan, her surgical nurse instead.  Follow up appointment with Dr K scheduled for 5 January 2011 at which time I would be given a pending date for surgery, depending upon insurance approval

Third up- Dr. Kingsburg,the psychologist.  To her surprise, I insisted on Geoff being in the room for this session.  Isues raised (ie- how other men would see me once the weight is off) were raised- definitely something I did not consider.  PTSD may return with a vengeance as I adjust to my new circumstances- another unwelcome idea to mull over in my mind. 

Sunday, 6 March 2011

Today is the first day of the rest of my life!

On Tuesday, 22 March 2011, I finally undergo bariatric surgery at UH Hospital in Cleveland.  My surgeon is Dr Leena Khaitan, and my dietician is Heather Butscher (who is curelly abandoning me to work at another clinic and I will now have to trek there to see her!)  I also have a second dietician, Rene, and my insurance specialist is Al Swope. My therapist/big sister is Karion Stiles-Roach (not affiliated with UH, but she can be found on, which is wher I found her- she has literally saved my life)  Yes, I am being melodramatic about Heather- she was simply the best part of everything, as I did not handle the frustration of delay very well.

Tomorrow I see the cardiologist for my cardiology clearance!  3:30 PM at UH on Euclid Avenue.  Thankfully the new parking garage is open.

I started the journey towards the bariatric surgery on 21 September 2010, at the UH Case Medical Center Bariatric Surgery Information Meeting.  Geoff took me and I was so nervous- what if this wasn't for me?  Could we afford it? Dr. Khaitan was the medical presenter - she and Karen the surgical nurse answered all of our questions and all of my concerns were allayed rather quickly.  There are three types of procedure- the lap band, the sleeve and the bypass.  I went in determined to go with the lap band- it appealed as being the least invasive, even though all three procedures are done laparascopically!  Unfortunately, due to the amount of weight I need to lose, the lap band would be the least efective for me. 

The next day, 22 September 2010, I called our insurance provider-  As I am on disability my primary insurance is provided through Geoff's employer, CSX.  My secondary is Medicare.  I wept with joy when I learned that our policy covers all three procedures- "I won't be fat anymore" is what I cried to the insurance adjuster with whom I spoke.  Gary was his name.  What a beautiful name too!

I was required to attend a 3 month surgical prep program, which is where Heather entered my life (Karin had already been in my life for over a year).  I had to see a dietician once a month for three months and attend a group meeting to qualify for the surgery.  Now the problems started-  I made my appointments with the dietician and the surgeon and had to cancel three or four times as Geoff could not take me (darn derailments at the Willard Hump Yard  :) )  I was getty edgy to say the least, and that was not appreciated on the homefront. 

FINALLY, I was able to schedule my first appointment with Heather, Dr. Khaitan, and the program's phsycholgist, all for 10 November 2010!  What a relief!  Geoff wanted to be at the first appointments, and this was the only time I could get all three on the same day!  (to be continued)