Monday, March 21, 2011

The Day Before

The Day Before

Today is the last day of my life in which I am surgically unaltered.  That doesn't scare me , but it did a couple of weeks ago.  I started to really doubt my decision, and watched the stress under which Geoff has been operating grow by leaps and bounds.  He has to take care of our three dachsies, and they are a handful when we are stressed.  Ginger, Chip and Thai have been God sends, and have filled  lots of holes in life that we did not know were present, and did not know how large.  Now, they have to take care of Geoff!

My greatest concern tomorrow is not the bypass itself, but of Geoff sitting in the waiting area, completely alone.  We have no family in Ohio, and are just starting to make friends at our parish and I have the ladies of Division 1, Medina County, Irish Missionaries of the Ladies Ancient Order of Hibernians.  Geoff gets to sit and wait, with no one to keep him company.  (For some reason, my dachsies are NOT allowed in the hospital!)

AT least having Father Lorkowski anoint me prior to surgery calmed all my nerves and left me feeling carefree and relaxed for the past weekend- we shopped for the dachsies, and attended the st Patrick's Day dance at St Francis Xavier.  Geoff had a ball- he looked so relaxed (I think that had a lot to do with my stealing his cell phone and hiding it in my decolletage! He had no idea where the phone was and it rang only once, and that was just after we arrived)  I wore my spanking new LAOH sash- blue for the Irish Missionaries and with our LAOH patch- I was there to celebrate my Irish ancestry and hoepfully generate some interest in our Divsion- my new friend from Pre Cana, Germaine, expressed interest!  She is the best- loud and happy, and wanting everyone around her to be the same.  I am similar in temperament, loud definitely!  At Mass on Sunday we ran into lots of couples from the Pre Cana team- it seemed that between the dance and Mass, we saw everyone from the team!  Geoff lit up when he met Trish's little ones- he went on a BAB "bear hunt" for them (we have almost 100 Build A Bears between us!)  Joining this parish has simply been a lifesaver.

Geoff is at work today and I will be at the parish stuffing envelopes.  We packed everything in Lock N Lock for the hospital and Geoff will load the  car when he gets home- he refuses to let me do it.  We leave at 6:30 in the morning- I have to be at admitting at 8, and my bypass is at 10. 

1 comment:

  1. Good luck to you Agnes. Will be praying for you and your family.
    Joyelle, Ruby & Penny
