Thursday, March 10, 2011

10 March 2011

Yesterday, I had to undergo some pre admission testing- an EGD, a walk through the surgical recovery are in the Lerner Tower, a final appointment with Dr. Khaitan, and the pre admission testing and chest x ray.  Dr. K did the EGD which was incredibly uncomfortable, but I have a small hiatal hernia which will clear up after the bypass!  I weighed 332.4 at 12:30 when I saaw Dr. Khaitan for the final time and the decision was made to have the bypass rather than the sleeve, and at the Pre Admission Testing, at 5:30, I weighed 332.2 lbs (and that was after lunch, which consisted of a tuna fish sandwich on whole wheat and a bottle of water) 

We received the call for these appointments the night before and Geoff had to scurry in order to take the day off- I would be unable to drive after the EGD.  We arrived around 8 and did not leave UH until after 6 PM.  Due to the short notice, our three intrepid dachsies, who blog at, Ginger, Chip and Thai, went with us- Geoff would work in the car during my procedures and then meet up with me afterwards and we would adjourn to the car for some loving from my ababies. 

Also, yesterday was my first day on the pre op diet- three Boosts and one high protein meal.  Well, the sandwich I hope covered the meal, and I had the Boosts after we got home- all three in a two hour period!  I definitley was full- had two chocolate and one vanilla.  Love the chocolate, but eh vanilla tastes too medicinely for me.  Went to bed early with the babies, while Geoff worked on his Navy correspondence courses in between calls from work>

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